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Plastic transformer
Transformers are used in electrical equipment and wireless circuits. Transformers are often used for lifting voltage, matching impedance, and safety isolation. In the generator, whether the coil motion passes through the fixed coil through the magnetic field or the magnetic field, the potential can be induced in the coil. In both cases, the value of the magnetic flux is constant, but the number of magnetic fluxes intersecting the coil is Change, this is the principle of mutual induction. A transformer is a device that uses electromagnetic mutual induction to transform voltage, current, and impedance. The most basic form of a transformer consists of two sets of coils wound with wires and they are inductively coupled together. With the continuous development of the transformer industry, more and more enterprises have entered the transformer industry, and many companies have emerged. For example, Mingyuan Transformer was founded in the early 21st century by a joint venture to establish a professional force dedicated to the research and development of transformers, reactors, filters, etc. Manufacturers, after nearly a decade of development, have become the industry's leading technology pioneers and pioneers. The main products are: transformer series (single-phase, three-phase power transformer, single-phase and three-phase autotransformer, machine tool control transformer, start autotransformer, energy-saving transformer, Scott transformer, three-phase to single-phase, single-phase change Three-phase, UPS transformers and other non-standard transformers), reactor series (inverter input and output reactors, DC smoothing reactors, series-parallel reactors, filter reactors, air core reactors, etc.), filter series (inverter Special input filter, output filter, sine wave filter) Products are widely used in electric power, metallurgy, textile, machinery, wind power, steel and other industries, and are well received by customers. When an alternating current (having a certain known frequency) flows to one of the coils, an alternating voltage having the same frequency is induced in the other coil, and the magnitude of the induced voltage depends on the two coil coupling and the magnetic flux. The extent of the chain. Generally speaking, a coil connected to an AC power source is called a primary coil; and a voltage across the coil is called a primary voltage. The induced voltage in the secondary coil may be greater or less than the primary voltage, which is determined by the turns ratio between the primary coil and the secondary coil. Therefore, the transformer is divided into two types: boost and step-down transformers.

Most transformers have a fixed core with a primary and secondary coil wound around it. Based on the high magnetic permeability of the iron, most of the magnetic flux is confined to the core, so that the two sets of coils can thereby obtain a relatively high degree of magnetic coupling. In some transformers, the coil and the iron core are tightly coupled, and the ratio of primary to secondary voltage is almost the same as the coil turns ratio of the two. Therefore, the turns ratio of the transformer can generally be used as a reference for transformer boost or buck. Due to this boosting and step-down function, the transformer has become an important accessory of the modern power system. Increasing the transmission voltage makes the long-distance transmission of electricity more economical. As for the step-down transformer, it makes the power application more diversified. In this way, without a transformer, the industry cannot achieve the status quo of development.

Transformers have their own test, called test transformers, which can be divided into inflatable, oil-immersed, dry and other test transformers, which are used by power plants, power supply bureaus and research institutes. The basic test equipment for the withstand voltage test has passed the standards of the National Quality Supervision Bureau and is used to test the insulation strength of various electrical products, electrical components, and insulating materials under specified voltages.

International Market Sales Manager: Winni Mobile: 0086-18902856858 Skype: winnivictor E-mail:winni@proper-mold.com
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